The course Building Research Competencies has been very
challenging. I think more so because I did not know what I was doing. The
insights from the course have given me a better knowledge of what it takes to
go through the research process. I believe the nature of doing research is a
very broad process because it takes the researcher a while to determine what
they want their focus to be. I know personally I struggled to narrow my
question down because I was unable to see the bias in my question. I would say that was my biggest challenge. I also think that was the greatest lesson
learned: the importance to narrow the study down to a question that is
non-biased and gives the researcher the topic they want to research. As a
researcher I continued to reword my question but I also continued to research
my topic to understand it better and to make sure my personal interest or topic was
headed in the right direction.
I see teachers can be researchers in their classroom. As I perceive all early childhood professionals I believe there is
a common goal to care for children and make quality better. I hope as a
researcher they remember their ethical responsibilities to keep children and
families safe and stay personally objective. To always be clear, ethical and give anyone
involved in a study informed consent. I would also hope that the true
professional knows what is developmentally appropriate for children. They follow
the NAEYC Code of Ethics. I know there still can be biases and prejudices. Some researchers or teachers may have their own agendas or
have reasons for making a study/child observation conclude in a certain way. I believe this is the down side of early childhood
professionals in research or in preforming a classroom observation.