Saturday, January 11, 2014

Establishing Professional Contacts

This assignment started off with a lot of road blocks. The two World Forum web addresses both said not found.  NOT Found.  NOT Found.  

WOW!  As I researched further, I found the following addresses to access. and . I found personal e-mail addresses and have tried to contact a person in New Zealand, Haiti, and at the World Forum Foundation organization. 

As of this writing I have had no response back to my e-mails but I will keep trying, because I think this will be the more informative way that I would like to learn about other areas. There is the possibility that I will have to use the alternative approach.

I went into The Global Alliance of NAEYC for early childhood professionals worldwide: and found the web site of
International Step by Step Association – Haiti this is one organization I would like to explore. I am very interested in early childhood programming in areas hit by natural disaster along with children who live in poverty like in Guatemala and how their lives are affected and progressing. These are countries I have been researching in previous classes.

I think this will be a fun project but also a time consuming one. I have also wished I would have former student’s home e-mails to contact. Throughout my Graduate Certificate degree there have been students from around the world who I have communicated with but as I look over their previous blogs, they have not posted since finishing their degrees. They were from Korea, Iran, India, and Jamaica. It would have been interesting to get their perspectives.


  1. Hi there,
    I wish I would have kept the contact information from students in other courses, too. I learned so much about global issues the EC field from classmates sharing their stories and perspectives who lived outside the US. I hit some, as you called them, road blocks with this assignment, as well. I look forward to hearing if you end up making contact. It will be awesome if you do! Best of luck, Sarah

  2. I will keep trying as well, I feel that we will be successful in establishing some contact in the future. And there are a plethera of information on that website.

  3. Hi Diana,
    I did not receive responses from my contacts by the time I had to post my blog. However, one of my contact replied me email just 2 hours ago bye the time I am typing here. I sent another email to my another contact. Hope will get back from her. Keep trying or waiting.
