Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sharing Web Resources

The newsletter I subscribed to is Zero to Three The reason I choose this site is for personal growth to learn more about a child’s development from ages 0 – 3.  This is an age group that I have not worked with a lot as a teacher. So as a Director I want to learn as much as I can to be able to help educate my staff, parents and community leaders. 

This is a very comprehensive site that gives Parents, Professionals and Policy Makers information about young children’s development. This could be from developmental milestones to pod casts.  The site has four main topic areas, Behavior and Development, Maltreatment, Care and Education and Public Policy. Zero to Three is a non-profit - research based organization. Their mission is to ensure that all babies and toddlers have a strong start in life (Zero to Three: Early Experiences Matters, 2014).

The child trend that caught my eye was “Ensuring Assessments and Services for All Maltreated Infants and Toddlers.”  This specific article was from, “Highlights from Changing the Course for Infants and Toddlers: A Survey of State Child Welfare Policies and Initiatives” (Zero-Three: Early Experiences Matters, 2014).

The importance of this article is to note that not all states have adequate programs in place for children who have been a victim of maltreatment.  Only 26 out of 46 states have policies in place for referring a maltreated child within a certain amount of time to a specialist for further assessments. The time frames are very broad from 2 – 60 days depending on the state.

As Early Childhood Educators we continue to improve the quality of care for children in classrooms. We also have to be advocates for children in all settings. If they have been placed in foster care for maltreatment, we have to make sure they get the best possible care and referrals to specialists sooner than later. There needs to be a better system across the board to give children, no matter what state they live in consistency and help when they are in need. 

Zero to Three: Early Experiences Matters. (2014, January 12). Retrieved from Zero to Three:



  1. This is a very important age of development and I think the issues that they address will further our knowledge as to what can be done to assist with the issues. I look forward to reading your blog as learning more about the 4 main topics of development. I also agree that the laws are all too broad and children who are in crisis are not always receiving the assistance that they need.

  2. Dear Diana
    Thank you for sharing the information. I learned Zero to Three in previous course. The program from Zero to Three helped many children and families who are in poverty situation. I was interesting a project that professional might visit families at their home to support the well-being of the children as well as parents. However, I have never experienced the idea that visiting home. Did you see the family visiting project?

  3. Dear Diana, this website gave us insights that as early childhood educators we need to be advocates for all children. This is a delicate age for children and if not give the proper nuturting and support it could have negative implications later in life. Great information

  4. Diana,
    The websites you listed on your blog was very informative. It is a must that Early Childhood professionals remain abreast of issues related to early childhood development. Any persons who are responsible for the nurturing of any children must adhere to the protection of children, this is why I feel that home visits should be conducted as stated in your blog.
