Saturday, August 23, 2014


Dear Colleagues,
Thank you all for your challenging questions and informational insights. I have learned from all of you. Dr. Hampshire your questions have been very challenging and have helped me gain a greater knowledge of effective communication.  

We all have many struggles and challenges in our lives but we seem to persevere. My challenge has been losing my daughter in March and dealing with grief while trying to work a full time job and go to school. The little things my classmates have said and done throughout the class may not seem to matter but they really do help to carry us through.  

Sharmel you have been the leader in the class always being first to get your discussions posted that shows me that you are dedicated to your cause and a hard worker. Samantha I commend you for hanging in there while you have to balance so much in your personal life. I can only tell you to live for today, forget yesterday because there are things that cannot be changed and start your tomorrows with a positive mindset and that will help you in your personal challenges. I believe there are so many things we are not in control of so we just need to worry about how we control ourselves and that is though effective communication and being compassionate.

I am blessed that the next class is my last in the Master’s Program. I wish you all luck and success as you venture off into your careers. The Early Childhood Field needs competent caring people to make quality programs. We all will be able to achieve this as we go forward. Please do not hesitate to contact me. I would welcome an e-mail from all of you. My e-mail address is or my personal

Best of Luck,


  1. Diana,
    I am so sorry but this is my first time reading your blog and I had to go back to enjoy your posts. Like myself, I am just going into Early Childhood Field to care for the little people that hold my passion. I am blessed to have such a good class of people to do my studying. Contact me anytime.

  2. As this course comes to an end and we all start a new chapter, I would like to take this time to say thank you for all the contributions you made in our discussion board and blogs. Although I was not able to participate as much as I would have liked, I was able to rely on my colleague’s efforts to help me get through. Thanks for all the encouragement, valuable feedback and positive comments. All these contributions helped strengthen my communication skills. We all have challenges that we are dealing with and some we may face in the future but as we continue on our educational journey I wish you continued success beyond your dreams. Blessings to you.

    Teresa Goodman

  3. Diana
    Your strength and support has encouraged me to continue on. I feel that through this course we have not only learned valuable information for our professional lives but also lessons for our personal lives. I agree with you we can only live one day at a time. We also need to recognize that we can only control our own actions, behaviors, and emotions. I truly hope we can keep in touch to continue to support one another. Best of luck in your final course!
